Intriguing, it has a very dark pour. Cocoa powder on the smell senses. Reminiscent of Christmas. A nice beer but couldn't drink it all day, just like I couldn't eat chocolate all day.
Hay fevery scent, smooth/flat, similar to licking a dewy spring Kent meadow. A slow drinker, a teenagers balls would drop quicker. The honey is a little too subtle!
Nice, light, dry and wheaty. Not common here though and I wouldn't go out of my way to get it. Not knocking it, its alright but New is better. Not offensive, but not overly arousing. Doesn't rock my world.
A bit weird if I'm frank, a bit mediciney. (not the 6+ but the 12+). The Doc Brown of beers. Gender confused beer, a trouble maker, home breaker. Hints of strawberry and fizzy fruits - vegetable-esque. A bit of fun but a one night stander. "Dinnerish."
Does not leave a lasting impression. Uninspired - like the new seasons of the Simpsons. Bottles returned in Quebec get 10c, which is nice to know. Sharp at the back of the throat with each taste. Dissipates quickly. "Raspy," one is enough. Bob finds it hard to get into him. Shoddy.